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10 tips for young doctors

As a doctor , you have a few years of experience and an arsenal of cases to report to younger doctors , what advice would you give them? We have listed some important points in this post. Check out 10 pieces of advice for young doctors .

10 tips for young doctors

1 – Keep yourself updated permanently

In an increasingly competitive world  chile phone number data where information is endless and fast-moving , constant updating – as in many other professions – is essential for medical professionals to perform their work well, aware of the importance of in-depth scientific knowledge. After all, the study of medicine does not end with the diploma and over the years, practice will impose challenges so that one can have confidence and peace of mind when making a diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to always read, especially what concerns your specialty, and to be aware of discoveries, experiences and current medical developments. And do not forget the importance of humanistic culture and knowledge of the reality that surrounds you.

2 – Improve yourself

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Contact with research and scientific production during your undergraduate studies can simplify the struggle to enter a master’s degree and, later, a doctorate . This will undoubtedly make a difference in your career. It is also important to seek out experience abroad , with internships abroad being recommended . In addition to practicing your technical knowledge in another language, you will always find the opportunity to learn a new technique , as well as learning and living in another culture. All of this will contribute to the enrichment of your scientific and technical knowledge , as well as personal growth.

|Read also: Free courses for doctors .

3 – Be attentive

Take your time . Listen carefully and write down all of your patient’s complaints . Don’t think that even if it seems irrelevant, you should disregard it. A good diagnosis for a more complicated case can sometimes require more time for better observation . And remember that you can always learn something during consultations. Immerse yourself in each case 10 tips for young doctors especially those that are most on your mind, searching for a symptom, a sign that can point the way to the best diagnosis .

|Learn more: What patients don’t like about a consultation .

4 – Be humble

Do not feel superior to patients , showing them your wealth of wisdom to impress them. Treat them equally , without any distinction, even if they may be relatives or friends. Try to use the simplest language possible to explain the illness in question and reassure the patient .

Furthermore, don’t be ashamed to ask a colleague for help when you are unsure or have no idea of ​​the correct course of action for a complicated case deb directory whether it is complicated or not. Don’t get carried away by compliments and think that because you have achieved public recognition you are the owner of the truth. Every day, with every patient, you can always learn a little more about Medicine and Life .

5 – Be ethical

Doctors do not have special ethics that are unique to them. What should be observed here is the ethical behavior of the Human Being , including their moral correctness . Therefore, never mix things up, using your social position to gain personal advantage , whether through gifts, free trips and stays to conferences, financial advantages or political favors. Discard any behavior that could constitute dishonest competition . The best advertising is done by word of mouth and it is important to be recognized not only for your competence and knowledge , but also for your character and the correct conduct of your daily life .

|Read also: 8 tips for newly graduated doctors .

6 – Take care of your mental health

Without a doubt, the excessive workload and dedication, plus the hours spent without sleep and the constant pressures of the daily workday are elements that contribute to the burnout of doctors. All of this is further impacted by the feeling of helplessness in the face of patient deaths, anguish and distance from family. Therefore, stress, depression, burnout , drug addiction and recurring thoughts of death and suicide are serious threats. Don’t fall into this trap. Set aside time to take care of your physical and mental health, for rest and leisure.

7 – Be careful with exposure on social media

Being aware of technological innovations and resources that are available for daily use in Medicine is of utmost importance . However, it is also important to be careful when expressing your opinions , for example, on Facebook and other social networks . Remember that you may be evaluated and charged for this . The publication of photos, especially during leisure time, also requires special care, as doctors need to preserve their image in society .

8 – No experiences

Patients are not guinea pigs . Therefore, do not impose on the patient any type of treatment that you certainly would not apply to yourself , your friends or relatives. Likewise, caution is needed when recommending the use of new drugs . The indiscriminate or excessive use of drugs , such as antibiotics, tranquilizers, steroids and anti-inflammatories can also lead to iatrogenic complications.

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