contact name: Gail
contact job function details:
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business name: Fibre Photonics Ltd.
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
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business website:
usa mobile number list 90 million package
business angellist:
business found year: 2006
business city: Livingston
business zip code: EH54 6GR
business state: Scotland
business country: United Kingdom
business language:
business employee: 0
business category: electrical/electronic manufacturing
business specialty: mid infrared fibre optic probes for process spectroscopy, mid infrared fibre optics, mid infrared atr fibre optic probes, fibre optic reaction monitoring systems, electrical/electronic manufacturing
business technology: google_analytics,microsoft-iis,asp_net,linkedin_widget
business description: Fibre Photonics specialise in the provision of optical fibres for light delivery and fibre optic immersion probes for reaction monitoring and chemical analytics