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Gabrielle Mendes Chief Marketing and Communication Officer at PricewaterhouseCoopers

contact name: Gabrielle Mendes
contact job function details: marketing,media_and_commmunication
contact job function: CDO

contact job title: Chief Marketing and Communication Officer at PricewaterhouseCoopers

contact job seniority: chief marketing communication officer at pricewaterhousecoopers digital transformation cdo

contact person city: c_suite

contact person state: Paris

contact person country: ??le-de-France

contact person zip code: France

business name: 75017

business domain: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gabrielle-mendes/4/39b/1a2

business facebook URL: PwC France

business linkedin: +33 1 56 57 58 59

business twitter: http://www.facebook.com/nealite

business website: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3230748

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business angellist: http://twitter.com/nealite

business found year: http://www.pwc.fr

business city:

business zip code:

business state: Neuilly-sur-Seine

business country: 92300

business language: France

business employee: ??le-de-France

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business category: 1609

business specialty: French

business technology: finance

business description: audit et certification des comptes, consulting, expertise comptable, juridique et fiscal, transaction, strategie, financial services