The 4 levers of money according to Alex Hormozi
Alex did not come up with these levers himself.
The fact is: he hardly thought of anything himself.
But this is precisely one of his recipes for success (see point 10) .
In any case, I learned these 4 levers from Alex Hormozi and therefore present them as his idea.
Here are the 4 big levers of money:
Other people’s work
This is the classic approach. Hire an employee who earns you 5,000 euros a month. Pay him 3,000 euros for that.
2. Other people’s money
This is a common lever on the stock market – but not only that.
3. Software
This is a powerful lever. Because you program a software once – and then collect money for years, while you only italy email list have to make a few updates at most.
The most valuable companies in the world are therefore software companies: Google, Facebook, Microsoft.
That’s why I’m already planning to bring my own software onto the market. For writers. But that’s just a vague idea for now.
Rather I focus on the next lever:
4. Media
By media, Alex Hormozi means what I mean when I say content business.
You produce content: video, audio, text.
This is how you build an audience: YouTube, podcast, email list.
The advantage of content: You produce it once. And unlike software, content requires no support, no updates and no complex maintenance.
Produced the essentials of british culinary taste (2/3) once.
Sold thousands of times.
Nothing is easier to scale than content.
That’s why aleart news Alex Hormozi is also a media entrepreneur.
And that’s why I’ve been running my content business for 10 years.