At that time there was one resource that was extremely scarce: oil.
This made the owners of the oil powerful and rich.
But in our modern society, one resource is the scarcest: attention.
Because everything demands your attention.
Everyone is fighting for her
And it is limited.
Back then, people didn’t know what to do with their attention.
Today it is the other way around: your attention is tapped at every corner.
Because we have learned to multiply everything: money, food, technology.
But you can’t increase attention.
That’s why it is so valuable.
And that’s why I’m in the attention business. Because that’s the new oil and I want to become the biggest oil baron in Germany.
On the other hand, I have to control, focus and use my attention correctly if I want to continue to belong to the focused 1% rather than the distracted 99%.
Focus is the reason I have a 4-hour workday (and because I have a content terminator 😉
Purely theoretically:
If you can convince others to do something for you, you will never have to do anything yourself again.
And so the most korea email list valuable skill on this planet is the ability to persuade.
That’s why I’m a fan of copywriting – it’s about persuading people with the written word.
If you master this skill, you can do the following things:
Generate leads (because you can convince people to give you their email)
Selling (because you can convince people that the product is worth more than their money)
Leading (because you can convince people to follow you)
Of course, Alex Hormozi did not invent persuasion.
He learned it.
Through classics like “Influence” by Robert Cialdini. You can find the book on my list of the most important marketing books .
A very powerful method to seduce and convince people with words is bullet points .
The King on the Business Chessboard
Marketing how to “unblock” the french when faced with foreign languages is queen.
But who is the king?
The offer.
That’s why I start aleart news with all my mentoring participants right there: with the offer.
What is your promise?