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Over the last years absurd amounts

Over the last huge surprise is the fact that this domain was first registere only in . It is known from unofficial sources that the domain in question was purchase by One Planet Ops at the end of , although the transaction was made public only a few months later. Eko most expensive domains in – eko In the case of Eko, there are some similarities to Facebook, which initially operate under the name thefacebook. Eko did likewise, launching under the name HelloEko, only to spend a seven-figure sum in to upgrade to Eko. Although the amount is impressive, it is worth mentioning that the funds allowe for a much larger purchase.

Have been paid for the most valuable

Eko receive million in investment support from Walmart. TM most expensive domains in – tm The TM domain was sold in November on the VIP Brokerage website and it is still not entirely known who bought it. At the time of writing this article, it still reirects to the previous site, testmasters. Although TM is commonly photo editor know as an abbreviation for trademark, there is a good chance that the domain was purchase by a major investor. Most expensive domains in. They say that the shorter the domain name, the better. Similar to TM, RX is a two-letter domain that sold for over a million dollars.

Internet domains much in this matter

It was bought by Brent Oxler, a millionaire who invests in the domain market for the long term. The new owner has several dozen increibly expensive domains in his portfolio, including: broker, audit or message. . Nursing – , most expensive domains in – nursing The case of nursing is an example of choosing a longer name. Until January , the nursing industry website operate under the domain NRSNG. As you can see, sometimes longer, more memorable Text Services domains with a keyword are a much better idea. OL – , most expensive domains in – ol OL is the third two-letter domain name to appear on the list of the most expensive domains sold in.

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