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Before starting you first need to install

Using environment variables in Node.js projects.  Install dotenv package dotenv is a zerodependency module us to load environment variables from .env files into process.  the dotenv package in your project bash. Copy code  install dotenv Create. Env file Create an.  File in the root directory of your project and store environment variables in it. For example for a Twilio project the Twilio account SID and authentication token can be stor in a.

The code Load environment

Variables When the application starts environment variables are load through the dotenv package. Usually add the following code at the top of the switzerland phone number projects entry file such as index.  Config In this way the environment variables will be loadinto process. Env and can be us directly in the code. For example the code for sending a text message can be written like this javascript Copy code const twilio requiretwilio const accountSid process env.

switzerland phone number

Const authToken process

TWILIOAUTHTOKEN const client Australia Whatsapp Number new twilioaccountSid authToken client.messages.create body Hello this is a message from Twilio from process.env.TWILIOPHONENUMBER to  .thenmessage console.logmessage.sid .catcherror console.errorerror 4. Best Practices for Environment Variables 4.1 Do not submit .env files to version control systems To ensure security do not commit .env files to a version control system such as Git. You can create a .gitignore file in the project root directory and add .env to it plaintext Copy code .env 4.2 Using the sample

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