Claire Wilson

contact name: Claire Wilson
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business name: Calderdale And Huddersfield Nhs Trust

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hong kong telegram number database

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business found year: 2001

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business country: United Kingdom

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business employee: 224

jason bott ceo

business category: hospital & health care

business specialty: hospital & health care

business technology: google_analytics,google_translate_api,bootstrap_framework,jquery_1_11_1,apache,mobile_friendly,google_translate_widget

business description: We employ around 6,000 staff who deliver compassionate care from our two main hospitals, Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary as well as in community sights, health centres and in patientsΓÇÖ homes.Last year more than 123,300 men, women and children were cared for as inpatients (stayed at least one night) or day cases and more than 438,300 people attended our outpatient clinics. Our A&E departments at both hospitals cared for more than 142,000 people. There were some 223,887 adult services and 64,108 children service contacts by our community teams.



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