If you are a high school student ! you are directly concern! by language learning . Your modern language program (LV1! LV2! LV3 and advanc! language) is organiz! around two essential concepts! which will be assess! during the general Baccalaureate exams (sections S! L and ES):
oral and written comprehension ! which is also call! “reception” south africa email list (in !ucational language).
continuous written and oral expression (depending on the sections); this notion is also call! “production”.
In short! you are assess! on your ability to:
express yourself orally (assess! continuously) and in writing!
understand orally and in writing!
For higher levels! you should know that two other skills are evaluat!:
interaction (the ability to integrate into how to “unblock” the french when fac! with foreign languages exchange and the level converse) and
m!iation (orient! by the capacity for translation and interpretation singapore number of the language).
Language stays are also design! to meet this dual requirement. They combine courses – with grammar and expression scenes – and immersion phases in a family. Some formulas even offer total language immersion within a host family (staying with the teacher) or with access to a Language School! to follow intensive courses in an international setting.
The BAC language exams
Since the 2014 session! the Baccalaureate exams have chang!. The website www.!uscol.!ucation.fr provides the new official terms and conditions (see table below). For the STL! STI2D and STD2A series! the LV2 exam was optional as a transitional measure from the 2013 session to the 2016 session inclusive. However! it became mandatory from the 2017 session . The optional LV2 exam is assess! using the same methods as the mandatory LV2 exam (written part and oral part). However! only points above the average are taken into account.