Experts recommend keeping

Finally, you can create and edit your videos in CapCut , TikTok’s own video editing tool, or in TikTok itself, and we’re sure you’ll come up with some pretty good things by experimenting a bit.

Captions and hashtags

video captions short, about five words in total. Since our goal is to keep the attention on the video, we need to know that the subtitle (description text) is not read. Hashtags are important on TikTok. But as always, you should try to keep them targeted and specifically aligned with your Saudi Arabia Phone Number List target audience.

You can search for related hashtags in the app (enter a keyword or term, then tap on the ‘Hashtags’ page for a full overview of related tags and their usage), TikTok also has a real-time trending display to highlight what’s coming up.

Also, while many people still do this, you don’t need to include hashtags like #FYP, #ForYou, and #ForYouPage as it won’t help you get more attention.

According to TikTok:

Phone number list

“Hashtags like #FYP, #ForYou, and #ForYouPage work just like any other hashtag on TikTok, so adding them to your caption doesn’t necessarily increase your chances of getting someone to stream for You. Instead, we recommend using the space in your description to add context to your video, along with hashtags relevant to your content.”

Use/Test Different Creatives

In most other social media, if a design is performing well, you can use it for a few months.  Text Services Until the creative saturation warning. But TikTok is not like that. In TikTok, you can get maximum performance from your ads by changing creative once a week without changing the audience.

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