You don’t have to buy the course (yet). I’m in a good mood and will tell you now.
Here it is:
“Go there and make some food ” – So it’s about the food?
“Go into the kitchen and make me something to eat” – Aha, in the kitchen and the food is for me.
” Now go into the kitchen and make me something to eat” – You now know that I am hungry.
“Now go into the kitchen and open the oven” – It becomes more concrete.
“Now go to the kitchen, open the oven and get the tuna pizza out.” – Et Voilà, you have a mental image in your mind.
What does it bring to your SEO copywriting?
The bounce rate is lower because your text is more entertaining due to linguistic images.
When you evoke positive or negative feelings in the reader, it increases their engagement. (Hint: Outraged readers comment more often than those who have a positive feeling.)
Emotions create iran email list a bond between you and your reader. They are more likely to link to your content – and thus improve your ranking.
If you want to have more reach and more customers through content, then check out the following:
17 Content Marketing Techniques That Work in 2022 [with Examples]
But if you want to learn more about SEO copywriting, stay here.
Read on to be precise:
9. Do you have something to say? Then prove it.
How does Google actually work?
There are many theories.
There is a lot of speculation.
But the fact is:
Every day, Google the 10 best articles of the year on language stays improves Google Search through rigorous testing.
In 2022 alone, Google launched 4,725 updates. In 2021, the number was 4,367.
Sometimes there aleart news are big updates that turn the rankings of many sites upside down.
Sometimes there are smaller updates that improve the overall “search experience” for users.
Over 10,000 real people sit in front of their laptops and analyze the Google results on page 1 every day