Jack Hayes Teacher

contact name: Jack Hayes
contact job function details: teacher
contact job function: education

contact job title: Teacher

contact job seniority: entry

contact person city: Sedalia

contact person state: Missouri

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code: 65301

business name:


business facebook URL: sfccmo.edu

business linkedin: http://www.facebook.com/165353460180400

business twitter: http://www.linkedin.com/company/857286

business website: http://twitter.com/sfccmo

sweden phone number

business angellist: http://www.sfccmo.edu

business found year:

business city:

business zip code: Sedalia

business state: 65301

business country: Missouri

business language: 222

business employee: United States

joe proto chairman and ceo

business category: English

business specialty: education management

business technology: higher education, online learning, adult education & literacy, education management

business description: sendgrid,outlook,office_365,nginx,google_adsense,google_async,google_font_api,mobile_friendly,google_analytics,wordpress_com,wordpress_org,google_maps,appnexus


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