People go to different networks for different reasons

content. As such, 52% of marketers participating in the Hootsuite survey stated that they cross-post content and reuse the same post on every platform with as few changes as possible. According People go to different networks for different reasons to the survey, only 18% of Marketers create non-zero posts for each platform.

Strategic Use of Social Media and cross posting

Social media companies have spent most of the last decade tripping themselves up to copy their competitors’ best traits. For example, when you create a short-form video content, you can share it as TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts

 What networks don’t consider is that user attention is not a zero-sum game. People on one social Cyprus Phone Number List platform are often present on a few other platforms as well. And most social media users spend time on multiple platforms.
More than 84% of TikTok users are also on Facebook and almost 88% of Twitter users are on Instagram. People not only derive different kinds of value from different networks, they openly use different social networks for different purposes.

On Facebook, they can catch up with a friend abroad.

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On Twitter, they can browse the breaking news of the day. And while they search for the latest viral trends on TikTok, they might want to laugh.

Adding competing capabilities to a network doesn’t change the perception that people  Text Services spend years creating what a particular network means. This is why Instagram Reels, for example, struggles to compete with TikTok even though it’s basically the same thing. In fact, stealing a competitor’s features can actually have a negative impact on the perception of a social network.— Remember this campaign with over 300,000 signatures asking Instagram to stop trying to copy TikTok.

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