Santha Schuch

contact name: Santha Schuch
contact job function details:
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business name: The College Of Wooster

business domain:

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azerbaijan whatsapp number database

business angellist:

business found year: 1866

business city: Wooster

business zip code: 44691

business state: Ohio

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 614

jason dandridge ceo

business category: higher education

business specialty: liberal arts college, higher education

business technology: outlook,office_365,unica,facebook_login,youtube,facebook_web_custom_audiences,wordpress_org,mobile_friendly,google_analytics,google_tag_manager,google_font_api,facebook_widget,apache,php_5_3

business description: The College of Wooster is America’s premier college for mentored undergraduate research. Wooster is a private liberal arts college located in Wooster, Ohio with a student body of approximately 2,000 undergraduates living on our 240 acre residential campus.



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