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Should you include the metaverse in your communication plan

Last April, as a result of a project on technological humanism that we were leading at AMT Comunicación , we carried out a study with the active listening tool Should you Meltwater to find out which topics were most mentioned by the media and which were the most searched for. by the general public. As we could imagine, Metaverse waswith the most publications in the media. The surprise came when verifying that the same topic dropped to the last position in searches, far below other concepts such as artificial intelligence, teleworking, digital bullying or algorithms. One of the main maxims of communication is that, no matter how good your product is, it doesn’t exist if people don’t stumble upon it. Another is that, even if it stumbles, either the product responds to a specific need, or it will be invisible to the consumer.

The concept of meteverse

Another thing is when we focus on the end consumer and how the choice of their favorite windows is constantly changing. Today viewers top industry data watch TikTok for 80 minutes a day, more than the time they spend on Facebook and Instagram combined, and their average age is now over 30 years old, turning the Chinese dance social network into the new xanadu for brands. On the other hand, Netflix joins Movistar in the hybrid income model by including advertising in its content, narrowing the gap that existed between conventional television and the new platforms (Rakuten has been broadcasting online for years with more than 100 thematic channels). And, despite some, influencers have established themselves as the best recommendation channel, with costs much lower than the writing of any mass media, be it magazine, press or television.

Consumer history of Information and entertainment

The consumer invests on average four hours in, and in this changing environment of channels and windows, their choice will depend on Text Services the relevance of the content that each channel provides and their user experience (we could call it immediacy, and we would not be wrong). . Mark Zuckerberg has already acknowledged that he does not have the device, and the broadband, at least in our country, is not wide enough to guarantee adequate performance. Furthermore, we must not ignore that, unlike the Internet, there is no single metaverse, and most importantly, the viewer is reluctant to use peripherals when consuming content as it penalizes immediacy. If you don’t believe me, ask the gaming industry or look for a 3D television this Black Friday.

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