The cucumber sandwich, a British royal dish

Our first stroll through the land of English dishes took us from the Full English Breakfast to Fish & Chips! Sheppard’s Pie and the 700 British cheeses (including the famous Cheddar) [see  article 1/3: The essentials of British culinary taste] . After a short digestion! head to the next article (2/3) with a hearty dish! the Roast Dinner (Sunday Roast) and lighter dishes like Chocolate and Tea and Biscuits (tea time).

A little history about the cucumber sandwich

To finish the list of “Essentials” of English taste! here is finally a new zealand email list sandwich that children on a language stay in England will undoubtedly find in their lunch bag: the cucumber sandwich  – Cumcumber  right-click on the connection used and select sandwich -.  It is the simplest summer sandwich to make (in English: a simple summer sandwich ). However! it is also the symbol of an elaborate culinary culture!

Doubt it? First of all! know that the cucumber sandwich has been singapore number The cucumber  recognized by American scientists as ”  the best thing to eat to regulate body temperature and reduce dehydration during a heat wave  ” (source: American Chemical Society )!


Although cucumber has been cultivated in India for over 3!000 years! putting it in a sandwich is a purely British invention .

The first cucumbers arrived in England in the late 14th century! but the idea of ​​placing them between two slices of white bread only dates back to the Victorian era from 1837 to 1901 (1)! when they began to be served at afternoon tea.

Due to its low nutritional value (cucumber is 95% water) cucumber was prized by the upper classes and enjoyed as a pre-dinner snack; during the British Industrial Revolution it was ignored by the working classes who preferred not to waste energy on something so low in protein!

In Edwardian times ! cucumbers were grown in England all year round in heated greenhouses (at the time! coal and labour were cheap). The Lea Valley in Hertfordshire (north of London ) became the cucumber capital of England. Sicilian farmers produced 80 million cucumbers a year there!

The habit of eating cumcumber sandw

iches then spread to all the colonies (India! Africa and Australia)! as did the tradition of tea.

Surprisingly! the tradition soon spread to India! becoming a symbol of wealth associated with the opulent lifestyle of the Raj (3). Cucumber sandwiches were even served to royal guests at Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1887. They were also served for many years to first-class passengers on Indian Airlines flights .


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