The essentials of British culinary taste (2/3)

As we saw in the last article on English culinary taste ! the culture of a country can be discovered through the taste preferences of its natives.

The principle of this list of “Essentials” is based on a simple question qatar email list asked to English travelers:  “What food do you miss most when traveling abroad?” (1).

You will notice that taste according to the English is not limited to the simple organoleptic qualities ( appearance! smell! taste! texture or consistency ) of a food or drink but extends to the context in which it is consumed : breakfast! Sunday dinner! afternoon tea…

After the real English breakfast ( Full English Breakfast )! Fish & chips ! the 10 best articles of the year on language stays Cheddar and other British cheeses! Sheppard’s pie ! here are the essentials to taste during your stay in England …

Roast Dinner

An example of a Sunday Roast presentation consisting of slices of roast beef and roast potatoes
And on the 7th day! God created… Sunday Roast (English humor)! Sunday roast is the quintessential British Sunday dish.

There are two opposing versions as to its origin. According to some! singapore number it dates back to the industrial revolution of the 19th century. At that time! workers went to church and during this time left a piece of meat to cook quietly in their oven.

Another origin: in the Middle Ages! spit-roasted beef was a reward given by the lord to the serfs who served him during the week as a squire. As for the ingredients! the Sunday Roast is a culinary taste (2/3) piece of meat accompanied by various vegetables such as roast parsnip (an ancient root vegetable that looks like a large white carrot)! Brussels sprouts! peas! carrots! etc.

There is also a vegetarian version with “nut roast”

Another meatless roast: Yorkshire pudding! whose reputation extends beyond the borders of this region of northern England.


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