Do you know the “fried fish” real estate agent?

Have you ever heard of the “frifish broker”? This curious term came up in a conversation I had during a Real Estate Fair here in Espírito Santo, while I was providing consulting services. Among the brokers, I identifi a group that adopt a discreet posture, position a little far from the main service points. Intrigu

I went to find out what it meant.

To my surprise czech republic phone number data they explained to me that they were the so-call “fri fish brokers” or, as some say, “brokers on the cliff”. These are professionals who are not officially on duty, but who, in an attitude of  , strategically position themselves in the sales floor, ready to assist any customer who nees assistance, especially when the on-call agents are busy.

But what is the role of the fri

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fish broker in the market? Basically, he is there to take advantage of service opportunities that arise when other brokers are committd. He is the one who waits patiently for a chance to interact with a new client — and, when that opportunity arises, transforms that moment into a

potential contact and, who knows, a sale.

This attitude reflects the essence of a proactive 35 gift ideas for doctors – updated list! focus real estate agent who is committ to success. This is a professional who is willing to give up his free time, without expecting a guarante return, but with the goal of achieving results and evolving in the market. However, it is worth noting that we are not here to say that every agent should give up rest to be available, but rather to highlight the importance of initiative and resilience in success.

The value of persistence and the difference in extra effort

This attitude teaches us a lot about the real estate market. The reality is that success is built every day — no one stays relevant bas on past achievements. In this sector, the best results come from a combination of attitude, persistence and qualification. Reading portals, taking courses and following market trends are fundamental practices for real estate agents who want to stay ahead.

So, take inspiration from the fri fish broker’s stance.

Adopting a proactive approach can be business sale lead the starting point for a more active approach, which constantly seeks new sales and relationship opportunities. This type of initiative can be what you ne to break out of complacency and reach the next level in your career as a real estate broker.

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