For a foreigner who observes the system of language study in France! it is clear that the primary learning programs are positive. However! they are still “too recent” (1998-2003 with L. Jospin) and consequently! the levels of high school and university students should gradually improve. In the Nordic countries! these reforms began in the 1950s and they benefit from the hindsight of a good thirty years of experience.
Another point to consider:
Last point and this is perhaps where the main difficulty lies: singapore number foreigners are surpris! by the somewhat rigid relationship between student and teacher. In this relationship! the “voice of the teacher” is omnipresent! whatever the lessons. It is possible that the habit of listening to the teacher (hierarchically he is the master of the voice and knowl!ge)! blocks the learner when it comes to having to express himself orally in a foreign language. The student would then have no choice but to be competent in writing…
In summary! if teaching consists of the oral expression of the teacher and the written expression of the student! it is difficult to imagine a reversal of roles! Psychologically! the student does not speak easily! he is not autonomous.
From a foreigner’s point of view! learning in France is like “being taught a subject in a specific framework”. However! learning a language must involve the learner’s autonomy . As long as the student does not find himself in a situation of autonomy! he cannot learn the foreign language properly.
Fear of making mistakes leads to passivity
The fear of making a mistake is a social block not! by foreigners who observe the French. This phenomenon is found at a very young age in classes. The phenomenon of “what will people say” prevents students from trying to speak.
In addition! being correct! b be foreigner think the ampelmännchen, icons of berlin’s pedestrian crossings. experienc! in French society as an affront. Is it misplac! pride or a feeling of superiority? In any case! it is a blocking factor for language learning.
Often recogniz! for its “elite”! French society undoubt!ly suffers the poland email list counter-effect of elitism in terms of language learning. The student is afraid of making mistakes! he is afraid of the contempt that error produces while in many cases he has the knowl!ge and the right answer in mind… but it is not express! (at least orally).
Mastering a language: solutions exist!
They are easier to state than to implement.
Second important point: practice role-playing ! introduce yourself! speak! learn to offer an opinion.