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What is a Psychological Assessment and what is it for?

Psychological Assessment is a scientific and systematic process of data collection. It is carrie out through interviews and observation using different techniques, as well as through the application of psychological instruments, methods and tests.

The purpose of the Assessment is to make estimates and analyses on attitudes, intellectual performance, personality and other variables shandong mobile number database of human behavior. Psychological Assessment can be appli to individuals, groups and institutions in different contexts.

According to CFP Resolution No. 007/2003 , Psychological Assessment is a technical-scientific process of data collection, carrie out individually or in groups, which aims to study and interpret information regarding psychological phenomena china’s “cross-border ec import and sales policy” resulting from the individual’s relationship with society, using, for this purpose, psychological methods, techniques and instruments.

Clinical Psychology

The area of ​​Psychological Assessment is one of the oldest and most important within Clinical Psychology. By law, it is a practice assign to canada cell numbers professionals with a degree in Psychology, supporting their work in the most diverse fields of activity, including health, education and work.

Psychological Assessment does not aim to produce judgments or establish criteria of right or wrong among the individuals evaluat.

It seeks to understand, using specific techniques , individual differences with regard to capabilities, skills, personality characteristics, behaviors or possible conflicts, whether internal or external.

Psychological Assessment can be applie in various health contexts. Whether for those who are going to undergo bariatric surgery, sterilization or sexual reassignment surgery, or in the assessment for carrying weapons, selection of people in the organizational and work area, public examinations, traffic and other demands that are common and routine assessment processes in the day-to-day work of a psychologist.

Another objective of a Specialization in Psychological Assessment is to qualify professionals, providing a critical vision and training base on ethical and legal precepts, proposed by the Federal Council of Psychology in its resolutions, in addition to the legislation in force in our country.

In this way, it is supporte and becomes feasible to adopt conduct in relation to the individual in a much safer way.

When is it necessary to submit an Assessment

Use on several occasions, Psychological Assessment is widely carried out within companies in the area of ​​personal development , in the assessment of potential or even in the area of ​​selection and hiring.

Many organizations use Psychological Assessment as a powerful tool for decision making, as it brings benefits to both individuals and the company.

During selection and hiring, it is possible to detect more suitable and compatible profiles for the position, avoiding harmful consequences such as demotivation and inappropriate behavior for the role, among others.

What are the fundamental points of Psychological Assessment?

Psychological Assessment is based on the development of skills in handling psychological methods and techniques aimed at collecting data, as well as the analysis of content based on theoretical foundations on personality, human development , intelligence, psychopathologies and other psychological aspects.

Some scientific concepts about Assessment include psychological instruments and tests, projective methods and psychometric instruments, as well as procedures for analyzing and estimating the psychological and behavioral functioning of people and groups.

How psychological assessment works specifically in the respective contexts:

  1. Professional guidance: based on the survey of professional and educational profiles aimed at placement, reorientation and professional development.
  2. Personnel selection: base on a professional profile survey, considering the capabilities, skills and aptitudes of those interest in taking on job roles and functions.
  3. Psychodiagnosis: based on the diagnosis of the individual, with the use of psychological techniques, methods and instruments designe to estimate the functioning of the subject and allow psychological interventions or even generate information for a third party.

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