What is Web Hosting, types of Hosting and how to decide
A very important aspect that is perhaps not given the importance it should be is the choice of Web Hosting. If you ask any marketing professional to know the type of hosting they use. After that, the answer will probably be very different, sometimes motivated. In addition, the price, others by a recommendation, others by the characteristics of the Hosting, etc. If you have already changed web hosting. In addition, it is very likely that you have had a bad experience or simply. In addition, the hosting you had contracted did not meet the expectations placed on it.
Reduce the latency time of your web hosting
Reduce the latency time of your web hosting. If we want to position ourselves in Spain. Therefore, will we have an advantage if our website is hosted on hosting in Spain. This is a classic SEO myth that has always existed. After that, but I will try to delve a little deeper and not stay in the classic regional explanation based on the IP. In this case I will refer job function email list to the latency, which means the time it takes for a query to travel to the server and return to the user. This value affects the loading speed and therefore must be taken into account.
Web Hosting with excellent availability
Avoid making the mistake of choosing the cheapest hosting and thereby save yourself 10 or 20 euros per year. After that, because you have to know that the stability and availability of the server strongly affects web positioning. For this reason, always avoid 1&1 type hosting. After that, since you will be putting your positions and therefore the organic traffic you receive from the Google search engine at stake.
If you are a regular reader of mine, you will know Text Services that last year I had the Marketing and Web Blog hosted on Hostgator, and everything was working well until I started receiving traffic around 1,000 daily visits, from that moment on the declines began.