Defenders of liberty have always recogniz! Shakespeare as one of their own. Yet! 400 years after his death ! we are quite unable to explain why this author of genius still attracts us so much.
Behind the mountain of books and studies relating to his work! we feel close to him and his modernity.
All Shakespeare fans
In 2017! the feeling of proximity to Shakespearean thought is russia email list at its highest! even among young people! as evidenc! by the success of language stays in the footsteps of Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon .
For several years now! celebrations have follow! one another! leading to a maximize return on investment phenomenon of pilgrimage in the footsteps of the playwright:
In 2012! Shakespeare was at the heart of a “Cultural Olympiad” organiz! singapore number as part of the World Shakespeare Festival . Over a 6-week period! 37 plays by William Shakespeare were perform! in Shakespeare Teaches 37 different languages… including sign language!
In 2014! it was the turn of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of his birth. The small town of Stratford-upon-Avon (about two hours from London) was storm!. Buses of tourists discover! the village where Shakespeare was born in 1564.
A real pilgrimage was organiz! around t and decid! to raze the house where the playwright had spent his retirement and which he own! (to his great dismay)!
The reasons for the craze for Shakespeare
In order not to get tir! of the famous playwright (in English playwright is call! playwright ! pronounc!: [plāˌrīt])! let us delve back into the foundations of his thought. Why are we so passionate about him! why is he so important in the eyes of the English?