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And this is where the wisdom comes

List all the topics you will write about I always recommend limiting the topic of the blog to make it easier to manage the blog. Sometimes it’s easy to limit, but sometimes it can feel like the whole idea of ​​the blog withers if you limit it. Whatever your situation, list on a piece of paper (or in a spreadsheet program) all the topics you will write about. If the list grows to more than 50, group the topics into larger categories. Make it a goal to narrow down the topics to less than ten. 2. Choose one of your categories and read what you wrote about it 6 months ago It’s incredible what kind of thoughts and ideas arise when you go back in time for a moment.  year ago – and follow them up. Write about an old publication from a new perspective or combine several blog posts and make a summary. 3. Make a plan 3.1 What is a post plan? To make your content more consistent, plan your posts in advance. The plan tells you what you will publish on your blog and when.

Read a few articles from half a

Advance preparations – 60 min/week 1. At its simplest, it can just be a calendar entry of the days when the text is supposed to appear. According to research, bloggers use the post plan get up to 30% more readers for their  posts save about an hour per post A good plan also special data includes an idea of ​​what you plan to write about on any given day. When you have an idea ready, it’s easier to start writing, and you don’t waste precious time thinking about the topic. List your ideas, thoughts and questions in French. When you write a blog post, you’re just answering questions, bringing new ideas and perspectives to the fore. By the way, did you know that an average 1000 word blog post takes 60 minutes to write? 3.2. How does planning save time? When you have already  advance, you can start writing right away and you don’t have to waste expensive writing time thinking about them.

Planned and ideated topics in

You should also assess how much time you want or can spend on one piece of writing and try to stick to the time  limit. We all certainly have the goal of writing the best possible content, but nobody has time to endlessly file the text. Setting Text Services a time limit helps you get ready. Good tools are e.g. a phone alarm or an egg clock. 3.3. This is how you make a plan in a lesson If your goal is to write 1-3 blog posts per week, spend 60 minutes making a plan. If you’re going to write more, you should spend more time creating a plan. The most efficient way to make a schedule is to plan on the weekend what you are going to write about in the coming week. You can hold your own planning moment when it suits you. I myself take advantage of Sunday mornings. Create your own routine – make a cup of coffee, take out a notebook and write.

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