The real reason you need to do so much marketing
Alex and Leila Hormozi
Way 1: Write a so-so book.
And spend the rest of your life marketing it.
Because an average book doesn’t sell itself. It has no pull. You have to constantly advertise and push it to the people.
Way 2: Invest 20x more time and effort into an excellent book.
And benefit from it for the rest of your life
You don’t have to “push” an excellent book – it attracts people on its own. Word gets around. It gets recommended. It gets passed on.
At first glance, the second path is too strenuous.
But on second glance, this path brings you much more money and freedom because you don’t have to peddle your book like a vacuum cleaner salesman.
By the way, here is my guide: Writing a book in 6 steps
If you are just starting out and don’t have the luxury of spending 2 years writing a book, but want to generate income quickly, then take a look at this route: Write an e-book and sell it profitably .
Because it is possible to write and sell a book quickly. You just have to do more marketing.
In this sense, both ways work.
You just have to decide.
2) First the promise, then the fulfillment
I have been preaching this concept for years when it comes to headlines .
A headline is a israel email list promise to the reader.
Most people write terribly boring headlines because they think:
“I don’t want to promise too much.”
The catch: You won’t attract anyone if your promise is “3 tips for 30 euros more per month”.
So how do you find the middle?
First, write maximize return on investment a promise that is so tempting that you yourself will want to click on it.
Then think about: How can I fulfill this promise now?
This is how aleart news I always approach my blog articles.
Alex Hormozi takes this approach with the guarantee, for example.