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find out why you should specialize

Marketing Management:

With the constantly changing economic scenario and profound transformations in consumer profiles. Marketing management in companies also needed to readapt to continue generating results.

Currently, in the face of the coronavirus and social isolation measures, the market has slowed down. Consumer habits have changed poland mobile database and e-commerce is experiencing significant growth in different segments: the expectation is that this trend will continue .

Therefore, it is not without reason that marketing management in organizations faces a more complex scenario, which requires more intelligence , agility and, above all, assertiveness in generating value and information for the target audience .

The sales process begins with marketing. As this is the sector that generates the demand to be processed by the team of professionals. Therefore, managing the processes in this sector efficiently can have a positive impact on the entire sales area.

In this article, we discuss what marketing management is. Its importance, and how to specialize in it to achieve professional success . Enjoy your reading!

What is marketing management ?

Philip Kotler, in his book Marketing Management, defines marketing management as “the art and science of selecting target markets and attracting. Retaining, and retaining customers through the creation, delivery, and communication of what is demand generation? introducing the three main processes superior customer value.”

In practice, marketing management involves collecting and analyzing market data in order to identify and understand the needs of its target audience and align them with business objectives , generating demand for sales of products and services.

It is the role of marketing to generate and nurture leads throughout their purchasing journey and qualify and forward them to the sales department.

However, because both marketing and sales management are responsible for creating business opportunities, there is often a mismatch and canada cell numbers competition between the sectors.

Therefore, a trend in current business management is to adopt smarketing . The term comes from the combination of sales and marketing, and its purpose is to establish integration and alignment between the two fields.


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