This is what allows

Their duration ( “6 months or more” ). In this way? This is what  the GALI measurement can be integrated into many surveys: mini-health module of the harmonized European surveys? also adopted in almost all household surveys of public statistics in France and? from 2025? in the population census (Cnis? 2024).

While the GALI appears complex? it turns out that the responses of the respondents are consistent with the results of other more detailed questions on health status? in particular on functional limitations and  This is what  restrictions in the essential acts of daily living.   it to be interpreted as a measure of disabilities? and to be used as an approximation of disability situations in the event of severe disabilities declared? in order to describe the living conditions of people in these situations (Aubert? 2021).

The pitfalls of EVSI

Once the age-specific prevalences within the italy phone number library population have been measure? they are aggregate into an EVSI indicator using a mathematical expectation formula ? on the same principle as for life expectancy “tout court” (Robert-Bobbée? 2022)? to obtain a synthetic measure of the mortality and disability prevalence rates by age for the lower bids can lead to better conversions year considered. This indicator is interprete as the average disability-free lifespan of a fictitious generation that would experience the age-specific mortality and morbidity conditions of the year considere throughout its existence.

Since “life years” are a very

Concrete unit of measurement? the synthetic awb directory nature of this indicator and its simplicity of interpretation make it very attractive. They ensure it receives significant media coverage. This is one of the reasons why this indicator has been include in many dashboards for monitoring public policies. However? this simplicity is only apparent and contains some subtleties? particularly relate to the concept of mathematical expectation? which can sometimes give rise to erroneous interpretations. The following three are frequently encountere:

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