Here is the answer:
First , storytelling increases dwell time and engagement.
An example:
Seo Copywriting Example John Morrow
Storytelling for your SEO Copywriting
In this article, John Morrow tells his personal story.
Since its publication, the blog post has reached over 6 million people – one of the most read blog articles on the Internet.
The reaction of the people?
See for yourself:
SEO Copywriting Example 2
Second, stories show your expertise .
When you share your own experiences, it builds your reader’s confidence – and usually arouses their curiosity.
What result does both together lead to?
The reader delves deeper into the text.
Check this out:
Brian Dean SEO Copywriting Example: Story
By the way, “expertise” is an important ranking factor according to Google.
Third : Stories are an ideal introduction to a blog article for the reader.
An example?
Seo Copywriting Technique: Storytelling
If you want to know how to write stories for blog articles, sales pages or landing pages , then take a look here:
The 27 Laws of Storytelling [+Template]
But if your fingers are itching and you want to scroll down to the next SEO copywriting secret, don’t hesitate.
7. The Art of Seduction
The presentation was over and the speaker thanked the audience:
“Thank you india email list all for coming in such large numbers. We are proud because everyone has worked very hard on this.”
The speaker turned around and prepared to leave the stage.
There was a charged atmosphere in the hall, reminiscent of a Hitchcock thriller.
Everyone in the audience asked themselves this one question.
Steve Jobs was a marketing genius
When he gave a keynote speech, no one in the audience dared to leave the room even for a few minutes – no do you know the level of languages expected in high school? matter how full their bladder was.
People knew:
The late aleart news Apple CEO saved the best until last.
And whenever there was a new product, a new technology or any other innovation, he announced it with his legendary phrase:
“But there is one more thing.”
What am I getting at?
In today’s society we can only concentrate on something for a few seconds.
Our attention is slowly shrinking to the length of an Insta-Reel.