Take into account the

Interest  needs and expectations of your customers when designing e-mails. Reveal an exclusive guide to best practices for finding btob customers , or a personalized newsletter containing a strategy to boost their sales, for example. Desire: To make your contact want to become a customer, tell them the content of your offer and all the…

The content must each

The text, but also the design, everything must fit on the screen and be displayed quickly. Define the communication objective  email must meet a specific communication objective, and 1 single objective which can be a desire to: Information, it is a question of sharing value, for example in a newsletter; Prospecting, in this case we…

Never Stop Collecting Feedback Yes

Collecting feedback has a cost.You may need to purchase special tools and devote resources to interpreting, analyzing, and prioritizing customer reviews. Don’t be dissuaded by this cost, because according to , of consumers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. May indicate insufficient sizing information so customers are forced to return items…